Tuesday 10 April 2012

Next stage of PGD testing

I have received some tubes for some more blood samples. The hospital is ready to move on to the next stage of the PGD test which is to test on single cells. They need the blood to be fresh to do this and have asked to receive the blood on 24th April. We can get the blood taken locally and post it.

We will hand deliver, rather than rely on the postal service! This is great news as it looks like things are moving forward! I'm not sure how long this stage takes, but I think it is less than what has been done so far.


  1. Yay great news!!! Maybe you can already have the PGD testing at your next cycle and have a fresh transfer? This stage took us 3 months and you might have to wait 3 months for another IVF/PGD cycle anyway. If your relatives can also donate blood that can speed up the process. Even a sibling not having the disorder could be helpful. Fingers crossed, Rianon

  2. Hi, your next cycle must be coming up soon. Any news?

  3. Hi Rianon. We were waiting for our PGD Workup. This has now been completed, and I have finally got round to updating the blog :)

  4. Why did it take so long for your probes to be completed? I was told 3 months, which I'm hoping they're right about!

    1. It varies, depending on what they are searching for, whether they have done a work up for the defect before (my clinic has no done it previously for TCS), and of course how busy the lab are. We were told 6-12 months, it came in at 8.
