Thursday 3 November 2011


Today I received the phonecall I never thought I'd receive! "You have funding for three cycles of IVF with PGD"  Three cycles?! That's better than I could have wished for, I always assumed if it ever happened, it would only be for one cycle.

It has been a very slow process, from when I first had the gene test over 10 years ago, to getting the funding to try PGD (Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis) and IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation).

So ... what happens now? I was told to visit the centre during my next period. I am actually on a period now, just not sure whether I am within the 5 days they require. Hubby also has to have a fertility check. As we are going into London tomorrow anyway, we thought it was worth a try. If nothing else, at least Hubbys bit will be done, I just might have to go back next month for mine. Slightly bad timing, if only we'd had the call 2 days earlier :)

I guess this is the real beginning of the journey, it's just taken years to get to the start position ! It could all end as quickly as next week, or it could be years.


  1. Hi, I have a question! (hope you don't mind) What is the process when you have 'gene testing'? Im now 23 and thinking about my future.
    All the best of luck with your treatment, I'll be following your blog very closely. :)

  2. Hello ArtisSmarties. I had the gene test over 10 years ago via prof Michael Dixons labs. I think now the first step would be to get referred by your GP to you nearest genetics consultant. Do you have TCS too?

    The test was a blood test, it took over a year to find the change in gene. It's this information that is red to create a PGD test which would be used on future embryos.

    I'll try to add more info to this blog as I learn so you can learn with me! I would definitely start enquiring now, as it's taken me years just to get this far!

  3. Hello TCS, thank you for your reply! I do have a mild case of TCS too. I think I will have the gene test, Just so I can keep my options open. Your blog is great, helps a lot of people. :)

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    Stay Happy and Healthy!
