Monday 15 October 2012

Beta test day

Went to the clinic to have my blood test. The home pregnancy tests detect the presence of the pregnancy hormone.  The beta blood test measures the amount  I've been given more of the same drugs to continue with, including the horrid intramuscular jab, ugh! And was told I would get a call later.

What a nerve wracking wait. My blood test was 11:30, so by the time 6 pm came around and still no call I was worried I'd been missed. I finally spoke to a doctor about 6:30, and did not get the reassurance I was hoping for. My beta level is 99, they like it to be much higher. They want me to come in to test again in 2 days. The level needs to have doubled by then, or something is wrong.

I think if the level is low because it's just a little bit behind, then all might be OK, but of course we don't know if the level is low because it is decreasing. Only the second test will reveal this.  if it isn't going up, then it's all over. 

Obviously I am very concerned. But I remain hopeful and have to stay positive. Its out of my control, which isn't a nice feeling, and I feel like 3 days have been added to my 2 week wait! 

Appointment 11:30 Wednesday.


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